Thursday, August 11, 2011
Priesthood Tent & Glitter Toes
Our ward held Girl's Camp at Yuba Lake this year and I went along as one of the male leaders. LDS practice requires two Melchizedek Priesthood holders to be on-site at Girl's Camp in case someone needs a priesthood blessing. A wonderful High Priest whom the girls affectionately called "Grandpa" slept in his RV. That left me alone in the "priesthood tent" pitched a short distance from the rest of the camp. This arrangement gave all of us a modicum of privacy while enabling me to spend several days of quality time with the young women and their leaders. Girl's Camp is typically a delightful blend of outdoor activities, crafts, socializing, singing, theatrics, leadership skills training and spirituality. Highlights generally include skits around the campfire and a powerful testimony meeting. I have been a priesthood holder at Girl's Camp in prior years, and the young women leaders in our ward have enough footage of goofy antics around campfires to effectively blackmail me should I ever run for public office. A first for me this time, though, was having my toenails painted with glitter polish. At the first business meeting I attended after Girl's Camp, I took off one of my shoes & socks and showed some colleagues my glitter toes. Everyone in the room roared with laughter. My wife, on the other hand, was not so enthused. After a few days she finally convinced me to remove the nail polish. After all, I would be going on a river trip with the Priests soon, and it just wouldn't send the right signal to my young charges aspiring to manhood for the Bishop to show up with glitter toes.